The Strengths Way

Tuesday 14 August 2007

3 tips for creating perfect days

Eugene O’Kelly was the CEO of the accountant firm KPMG when he got the news. Writing in Chasing Daylight, the then 53 year-old explains how the message transformed his life. He says: “I was blessed. I was told I had three months to live.” Eugene decided to live the way he wanted to live. Tearing up his diary, he aimed to create perfect moments, perfect hours and perfect days. Dramatic events can shake our foundations, but we can often be more proactive in shaping our personal and professional lives. Here are three suggestions for creating perfect days.
* You can clarify your perfect ‘personal day’.

Start by brainstorming and then crafting your perfect ‘personal day’. Different people will obviously have different days. For example, you may start with a leisurely breakfast; go for a run; spend time with your children; work in the garden; listen to music; paint, write or do some other creative activity; enjoy a siesta; or whatever. You may also have several different kinds of perfect days.
My perfect 'personal day' would be:

* You can clarify your perfect ‘professional day’.

Continue by brainstorming and then crafting your perfect ‘professional day’ - the way you can earn money. For example, you may use your ‘A’ talent; throw yourself into a stimulating project; be with stimulating people; work in a stimulating place - culture and environment; gain great satisfaction; see an end product; or whatever. Again, you may have several different kinds of perfect professional days. Sometimes your ideal personal and professional days may be blended together.
My perfect 'professional day' would be:

* You can begin creating elements of your perfect days.

“Everything is temporary, nothing is permanent,” we are told. Eugene O’Kelly understood this message. His book is subtitled: “How my forthcoming death transformed my life.” So he began creating his perfect days. We can each follow this path in our own lives.

Looking ahead, consider how you can introduce parts of your ‘perfect days’ into your personal and professional life. Begin by putting-in a few elements - then start to join these together like a row of pearls. Life is for living and Eugene O’Kelly reminds us to live life. Perfection may not be attainable and things may not always work out - but then each day may be ‘perfect with its imperfections’.
The steps I can take towards creating elements of my perfect days are:
You can find many more tools on this theme at:


  • Hi, Mike. I am a strengths coach certified by Gallup, and just came across your blog today. I look forward to reading more of your posts, as you've been at this for much longer than I have and seem to have some great wisdom and experiences to share.


    By Blogger John Michael De Marco, At 15 August 2007 at 16:18  

  • John,

    A pleasure. And also really like your blog....lots of artistic and real depth.


    By Blogger Mike Pegg, At 17 August 2007 at 19:14  

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