The Strengths Way

Tuesday 14 August 2007

3 tips for focusing on the green, amber & red zones

Peak performers are proactive. They continually make decisions about issues that are in the green, amber and red zones. Here are some suggestions for tackling challenges in the different zones.

* The green zone – the things that are going well.

Peak performers apply the same sense of urgency to the issues that are in the green zone as to those in the Red. Michael Schumacher, for example, may have been leading a Grand Prix by 20 seconds, but he applied the same concentration as if he was 20 seconds behind the leader. Great sales people devote more time to their best customers than to their poor customers. Why? They realise it is the best way to get even more sales. Pacesetters capitalise on what is working. They do not wait for a crisis before springing into action. Similar rules apply across all aspects of life.

“My relationship with my wife is blossoming,” said one person. “So I aim to keep spending quality time with her. Two broken marriages have left their toll. I don’t want it to happen again - nor can I afford the expense! We plan to stay together for the rest of our lives.”

Looking at your personal and professional life, what things are in the green zone? What is going well at the moment? How can you build on these things? Try completing the following sentences.

Green zone. The things that are going well at the moment are:


The steps I can take to build on these things are:


* The amber zone – the things that are going okay - but there may be warning signs.

“My health may be becoming issue,” said one 35-year old. “During the past year I have put on 2 kilos. Doesn’t sound much, but in the old days I was able to lose weight easily. So it’s time to start moving. Even though it is January, I am going to start running, rather than wait for the spring.”

Looking at your life, what are the issues in the amber zone? If you are a leader, for example, you may have talented team members who reach 7/10 - then go onto cruise control. They have so much more to offer--but do just enough to get by. Profits may still be on track, but older products are reaching their sell-by date. Team members say they are okay, but more people are taking sick leave. Loyal customers call to say they want to stay with you, but are worried about falling service levels. How can you tackle the issues that are in the amber zone? Try completing the following sentences.

Amber zone. The things that are going okay - but there may be warning signs - are:


The steps I can take to tackle these issues are:


* The red zone – the things that are going badly or where there is real pressure.

What issues are in this zone? Results may have plummeted at work. Setback follows setback. Key people say they are leaving. The products you offer are out of date. Customers say: “We are looking elsewhere.” Suddenly you face a turnaround situation. How can you tackle the issues in the red zone? Try completing the following sentences.

Red zone. The things that are going badly – or where there is real pressure - are:


The steps I can take to tackle these issues are:


Peak performers take action early. Looking at the things in the green zone, they say: “I must build on this success. If I don’t, it may slip into the amber and then the red. I must act now to stay ahead of the game.” And, because they proactive, they spend much of their life in the green zone. “Capitalise on what is working and spot the danger signs early,” is their motto. You can also stay ahead by continually tackling the issues that are in the green, amber and red zones.

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