The Strengths Way

Wednesday, 26 September 2007

3 tips for building on where you see patterns quickly

“Pattern recognition is one of the keys to peak performance,” we are told. You may have this gift when looking at a balance sheet, caring for a patient, re-designing a house, selling to a certain kind of customer or whatever. Let’s consider how you can capitalise on this ability.

* You can clarify where you see patterns quickly.

“Retail is in my blood,” said one person. “Put me into any shop and I will boost sales. It’s easy to see what is working, what isn’t working and how to improve the profit. You can then get some quick wins. The ‘givens’ are offering the right product at the right price in the right way. Store layout is crucial, however, as is providing great service. Improving the customer’s experience will virtually always boost the profits. Providing you give the staff some key principles to follow - plus a monthly profit share - they will enthusiastically start selling. Retail still excites me because it is like theatre.”

Try tackling the exercise on this theme. Start by describing the specific situation where you see patterns quickly. The more specific you are, the greater the chances of building on this activity and achieving success.

The specific situation where I see patterns quickly is when I am:


* You can clarify what you are doing right to see patterns quickly.

How can you explain what you seem to do intuitively? People have different approaches when doing the activity which they perform brilliantly. If you are a ‘visual’ person, for example, you will scan the situation quickly to:

a) Clarify the desired outcome – the picture of success.
b) Clarify the successful patterns – the things that are going well and can be built on – and clarify the self-defeating patterns.
c) Clarify how to build on the successful patterns - and eliminate the self-defeating patterns - to achieve the picture of success.

Everybody has a different approach - so try to describe your way. Recognising what you do ‘intuitively’ enables you to use that framework more quickly. You will also be able to explain your philosophy and principles to other people. Whilst it may be challenging to translate your intuition into words, try completing the following sentence.

The specific things I do when I am in the situation where I see patterns quickly are:




* You can keep building on your ability to see patterns quickly.

Why is pattern recognition so important? Seeing patterns enables you to get to the heart of the matter and predict what will happen - which increases your chances of success. Great goal scorers in sport, for example, anticipate where the ball is likely to be played. They then move to the place ‘where the ball will appear’. How can you apply your gift? Describe the specific things you can do to build on your ability to see patterns quickly. You will then be more likely to make full use of your ‘A’ talent. Try completing the following sentence.

The specific things I can do to keep building on where I have the ability to see patterns quickly are:




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